
Minutes – Full Council November 2024

DocumentsMinutes of Meetings & Agendas Uploaded on December 23, 2024

Download these minutes by clicking the following link: PC Minutes November 2024




of the Ordinary Meeting of the Blackmore, Hook End & 

Wyatts Green Parish Council held on 

THURSDAY 21st NOVEMBER 2024 at 7.30pm

at Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Cllrs R Keeble (Chairman), J Swettenham, T Lockhart, H Eltham, N McCarthy,

K Wood, K Bennett, J Clarke, H Cannon, K Parkinson, T Hinton, T Thomas, S Clapham (Clerk), Mrs R Nelson (RFO), County Cllr L Wagland.

0113 Apologies for absence – Cllr V Dean. 


0114 Approval of minutes – 17/10/2024 

The minutes were signed by the Chairman as a correct record with no amendments.

0115 Declaration of interest (for items on the agenda) – Blackmore Village Hall – Cllrs R Keeble and H Cannon. Cllr K Wood – Blackmore Allotment.

0116 Open Forum – Representative from the Blackmore Football Club.

Mr Matthew Emmerson, a representative of the Blackmore Football Club at the Blackmore Village Hall complex attended to present a request for the Football Club to have a ‘long term lease’ agreement with the Village Hall and Parish Council to use the football pitch and facilities. This was to align the club with the Football Association’s (FA) criteria to receive 75% grant funding towards the Football Club’s proposed facilities project. The Parish Council stated that it was not in the position to consider this request without viewing a formal written proposal along with any documentation or outline plans showing the proposed alterations. The Council said that the Walter Hobbs Field was gifted to the Parish and was placed in trust with the Blackmore Parish Council and Blackmore Parochial Trust, and strict terms of use were set out in a covenant placed on the land. The Blackmore Village Hall complex itself was gifted to the Parish Council and all decisions must be sought and approved by the Parish Council. This must be before any planning applications or contracts could be submitted to alter the facilities. Cllr Bennett advised that a meeting with the Parish Council and Parochial Charity was scheduled for the following week and this proposal would be mooted. Action: It was agreed that the Football Club would provide the Clerk with a draft copy lease agreement for consideration. The Clerk would circulate this to all members and place the item on the next POS agenda. The Clerk was also asked to receive a copy of the Blackmore Village Hall’s last set of audited accounts.


0117 Progress Check/Report – none


0118 Correspondence/Communications – none


0119 Reports of Borough & Essex County Councillors – 

Cllr Wagland reported that central Blackmore had now been resurfaced. The previous ‘patching’ was not satisfactory so ECC completely re-surfaced the area. This material should not crack or delaminate providing better longevity than previous tarmac. 

The small, low to ground bench is being re-positioned by ECC. Cllr Keeble asked if it could be moved nearer to the electric post to the left of its current position. 

There are other pilot schemes in the area and the PC was asked to visit the ‘Paddocks’, Ingatestoneto look at the road surface under the Fine Milling scheme. This was considered a superior road surfacing.

Also, there is a kerb stone scheme and urgent dis-lodged kerb stones could be undertaken under this scheme. Details are to go to Cllr Wagland for inclusion. 

Regarding the Clerk’s queries to have ECC repair the non-illuminating VAS signs. Cllr Wagland mentioned that Ingatestone have installed some new small VAS signs themselves which other Councils might wish to consider. However, this does not provide a solution to the current five VAS signs installed in the parish. These were supplied from a CIF grant along with some Parish Council funding and it was hoped these existing ones could be repaired. The Clerk had asked what ECC’s policy was on repairing existing ones and a decision was awaited from Cllr Wagland/ECC.

Cllr Wagland reported that 9,406 repairs had been carried out across the County. There are various new initiatives which could be secured. All defects must first be reported on the online interactive ‘Report it’ map:’s%20a,us%20on%200345%20603%207631.

More urgent items could then be escalated via Cllr Wagland.

There are currently property flood resilience grants available of up to £8,000 if a property is within a potential flood risk zone. This information could be obtained online and Cllr Wagland would forward the link to the Clerk.

There are various ECC consultations underway, such as – Healthier cycling and walking routes, Shaping ECC’s budget and Highways winter gritting scheme.

There is also a Digital help finder. This is a system to identify your digital competence and help can be provided where required. This helps enable people to navigate the digital world and avoid scamming risks.

There is help available to carers and Cllr Wagland can be contacted to access this.

There is also help available via ECC in relation to the analogue to digital switchover. 

Cllr Lockhart enquired if there is a scheme concerning the repainting of white lines to the roads as well as replacement of missing cats eyes. Cllr Wagland was happy to field enquiries relating to this. Cllr Wagland advised that if we can identify any particular areas of concern she can help prioritise these defects. Cllr Clarke enquired why there were no cats eyes on Blackmore Road.

Cllr Keeble reported that an elderly lady had tripped on broken paving on Red Rose Lane and Chelmsford road. Again, Cllr Wagland can enquire if Cllr Keeble could drop her an email.


0120 Finance – Payments made online:

S Clapham – 

Pension –


Mrs R Nelson –

Castle Water – £7.85 inc VAT

Castle Water – £9.78 inc VAT

Cllr K Wood – Reimbursement – £19 – gift to Bruno Giordan re Airmen’s service

SDS Tree Services – £1080 inc VAT – partial reimbursement will come from the Village Hall

Netwise – £72 inc VAT – renewal of Blackmorepc domain

Netwise – £72 inc VAT – renewal of bhw-pc domain

Broadmead Leisure – £84 inc VAT – routine play area inspection

Matthews Plants – £600 inc VAT – Autumn/winter planting

Bits & Bytes – £45 – computer & internet work at the Parish Office, Tipps Cross

MDL – £967.27 inc VAT – grass cutting

Castle Water £8.57 – – supply to War Memorial 

Payments made on the PC Credit Card: 

Cash drawn:




0121 Financial Report to 31st October 2024

The summary financial report was approved in accordance with the reports circulated prior to the meeting.

0122 Financial Powers– nothing to report


0123 Reports of the Planning meeting held on 11th November 2024 were approved as circulated prior to the meeting.

24/00984/FUL – Standing Stone, Beehive Chase, Hook End, CM15 0PA – Objections raised (in accordance with the Planning committee report dated 11th October). 

24/00839/HHA – Cornerways, Wyatts Green Road, Wyatts Green, CM15 – (erection of new car port)- Abstained from commenting (in accordance with the Planning Committee report dated 11th October). Cllr Lockhart advised that this was subject to an appeal with the Inspectorate.


The minutes of the meeting held on 11th November 2024 were circulated prior to the meeting. The Minutes were approved and the following items were discussed:-

0124 Walter Hobbs – 

a) Roundabout play item – Maintenance and greasing of the equipment is in hand with BroadMead Leisure.


0125 Ted Marriage  a) Brambles and overgrowth – MDL had supplied a quotation of £250.00 to trim the overgrowth from the perimeter play area fencing. Approval was proposed by Cllr McCarthy and it was agreed that this would be carried out as soon as possible. Action: The Clerk to instruct MDL.

b) Trees – (along the residential boundary line with the Ted Marriage field) – The PC had written to the resident informing them of the process with BBC Planning Department if the resident wished to trim the overhanging tree limbs to their property. These are predominantly subject to TPO’s and permission with the Planning department must be sought by the resident.

0126 Mill Lane  

a) Brambles and overgrowth – Quotations had been sought and MDL had quoted £250 to undertake trimming the overgrowth and brambles from the play area fencing and roadside fencing. Approval was proposed by Cllr McCarthy and it was agreed that this would be carried out with the Ted Marriage bramble trimming. Action: The Clerk to instruct MDL.

0127 Millennium Park  

Overflow car park – Cllr Keeble confirmed that Anderson has provided plans for the work to extend the overflow car park at Blackmore Village Hall complex.  The existing bund will be moved to extend the useful parking area, with membrane and a suitable hard surface laid.   This work will now be carried out in January 2025.

0128 Blackmore Village Hall 

As covered under item 0116 above.




0129 a) Loose posts, The Green – The Clerk is obtaining options and quotes.

b) Boot scrapers (near to the Chelmsford road footpath with the ponds) – The Clerk had obtained a quote of £30.79 each. The quotation from Total Landscapes to install them on a concrete base was £150.00. It was proposed by Cllr Keeble and agreed that the Clerk would purchase two boot scrapers and they would be installed at one location (to be confirmed by Cllr Keeble). Action: The Clerk to purchase two boot scrapers. Permission would need to be sought with ECC (Cllr Wagland) if these were to be installed on Highways land. Location to be established.

c) Village Fayre  (23-26th May 2025) – Cllr Cannon said that the event preparation was underway. In the usual way, permission to use the Green, the Mini Bus and the PC Insurance would be approved nearer the time. Cllr Cannon would provide the usual event risk assessment document in line with the Insurance requirement.

d) VE Day (8th May 2025) – Cllr Cannon had prepared a presentation of the event itinerary and work schedule. Cllr Cannon enquired if the PC would be happy to purchase the ‘suggested’ Hurricane Lamp costing £55.00. She also mentioned that the ‘official’ flag costing £17.00 should be purchased which would be raised and lowered during the event timetable. It was agreed that this would be discussed with the PC nearer the time. 

e) Herald Magazine ‘revival’ – Cllr Lockhart enquired if progress had been made on this. The Clerk advised that she had circulated the information requested in relation to the previous list of delivery volunteers and advertisers. She had also re-circulated the meeting notes to discuss producing the magazine to all members. Cllr McCarthy had placed a Facebook advert calling for delivery volunteers with no success. Without new volunteers coming forward to offer assistance with distribution it was unlikely that a printed version would be possible. Currently the Parish Council updates and events are advertised on the PC’s website and social media platforms. It was agreed that this subject would need more discussion and as such, a separate committee may be required. No further action required at present.

f) Blackmore Litter Pick – Scheduled for Saturday 30th November at 10.00am. Action: Litter picking equipment to be collected from the Parish office.

g) Allotment – Hedge trimmer purchase of £150.00 was required at short notice. It was proposed by Cllr Clarke and agreed that this expenditure be approved. Action: Cllr Keeble will purchase this.

h) Pond clearing work required – A quote had been sought with John Sharpe of £840.00. This included clearing the trees, brambles and overgrowth etc from the bridge around the concrete culvert (drain). The Clerk confirmed that £700 had been awarded by Cllr Wagland under the Locality Fund to undertake this work. It was proposed by Cllr Cannon and agreed that this work be agreed and undertaken in early January, weather permitting. Action: The Clerk to instruct John Sharpe. The Clerk will also purchase the two new life rings early in the New Year.

i) Christmas lights switch on – It was agreed that the lights on Kilne Field would be turned on at 5.30pm and the Blackmore lights at 6.00pm on 30th November. 

j) Essex Best Kept Playing fields awards – Cllr Keeble and Cllr Parkinson had attended the Essex Playing Fields Association (EPFA) AGM and Awards Ceremony. They advised that the Parish Council had received three awards for its Walter Hobbs and Ted Marriage playing fields. Cllr Parkinson also stated that unless the EPFA received urgent additional funding it would have to cease its operations.



0130 a) National Insurance (NI) increases – The Clerk reported that the National Association of Local Councils had expressed concern over the cost to Council’s because of this increase. It would cost the sector around £10 million per year. Government is currently being lobbied and further updates are expected. This increase will have to be taken into account in the Parish Council’s 2025-26 budget.

b) BBPCA minutes – The minutes of 19.9.24 were circulated to all members.

c) National salary scale increases – The Clerk advised that these were again rather disappointingly only received in November and had to be backdated to 1st April 2024. The Clerk confirmed the increase and back-dated pay had been calculated and included in the November salary information. It was disappointing that the salary scales are confirmed later in the financial year, post-covid, and it was felt that this should have adjusted itself by now.

0131 Date of next meeting(s):

POS – Monday 9.12.2024 – Tipps Cross R Hall Committee room.

PC Thursday 19.12.2024 – 7.30pm – Tipps Cross R Hall Committee Room – 

Planning Monday 9.12.24 – following the POS meeting – subject to planning applications being received.



a)  Cllr Clarke enquired with Cllr Wagland whether a Land owner/Farmer had a duty to carry out clearing public footpaths and rights of way within a statutory time frame. Cllr Wagland asked that Cllr Clark send him the footpath details and she will investigate this with the Public Right of Way (PROW) Team.

b)  Cllr Keeble had attended the recent BBPCA meeting on 20th November but had nothing new to report. The Clerk would circulate the minutes once received.

CLOSE OF MEETING – The meeting was closed by the Chairman at 9.23 p.m.