These Minutes may be downloaded by clicking the following link: PC Minutes December 2024
of the Ordinary Meeting of the Blackmore, Hook End &
Wyatts Green Parish Council held on
THURSDAY 19th DECEMBER 2024 at 7.30pm
at Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Cllrs R Keeble (Chairman), J Swettenham, N McCarthy, K Wood, K Bennett, H Cannon, K Parkinson, T Hinton. S Clapham (Clerk) and R Nelson (RFO).
0133 Apologies for absence – Cllr V Dean, T Lockhart, H Eltham, J Clarke, T Thomas. Borough Cllr’s C Poppy and R McCheyne and County Cllr L Wagland.
0134 Approval of minutes – 21.11.2024
The minutes were signed by the Chairman as a correct record with no amendments.
0135 Declaration of interest (for items on the agenda) – none
0136 Open Forum – none
0137 Progress Check/Report – none
0138 Correspondence/Communications –
The Clerk had been in contact with the internet provider Gigaclear in relation to the free wi-fi being currently unavailable at the Tipps Cross Remembrance hall. They advised that their Engineers were in the process of repairing the services in the area due to a vehicle crashing into the fibre cabinet at Hook End Lane.
0139 Reports of Borough & Essex County Councillors –
Cllr Wagland had called the Clerk to submit her report as follows:
Cllr Wagland confirmed that the missing cat’s eyes from the Blackmore road re-surfacing programme, as reported at November’s PC meeting, had actually been missed by the Engineers and these are now scheduled to be installed as soon as possible. Cllr Wagland will update us.
0140 Finance – Payments made online:
S Clapham –
Essex Pension –
R Nelson –
Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall – £300.00 v- Third quarter’s Office rent.
Castle Water – £8.57 inc.VAT
Unity Bank charge – £8.85
Mr A Elmes – £564.40 – Annual preparation of Christmas lights and hire of cherry picker
Castle Water – £9.15 (inc.VAT) – Walter Hobbs field
Broadmead Leisure – £84.00 – Play area inspections
Blackmore Village Hall replacement speakers – £800.00.
Payments made on the PC Credit Card: Amazon £41.62- printer cartridge. Amazon £61.58 – 2 x boot scrapers. £45.45 meeting Xmas refreshments.
Cash drawn: – nil
Transfers: – nil
Memberships:– £240.00 paid (paid with PC credit card) – SLCC membership renewal due 1.1.25
Income/receipts/Reimbursements: As reported.
0141 Financial Report to 30th November 2024
The summary financial report was approved in accordance with the reports circulated prior to the meeting. This was approved without amendment.
0142 Financial Powers
- The Clerk’s retirement and replacement – Cllr Keeble gave an update on the recent interviews held. The advert had been placed with the EALC and five applications had been received. There were no CiLCA qualified Clerk applications received. The interviews were held with the Staffing Committee which consisted of Cllr’s R Keeble (Chairman), J Swettenham (Vice Chairman) and N McCarthy (previous Chairman). After the interview process had been completed the Committee agreed that Mrs Lauren Clarke was the most suitable applicant and a copy of her CV had been circulated to all members. Action: Without any objections, it was proposed by Cllr Keeble and unanimously agreed that Mrs Lauren Clarke be confirmed for the position. The Clerk and Staffing Committee would draft an Employment Contract which is to be based on the NALC model contract, as recommended by the EALC. It was also proposed that Mrs Clarke shadow the existing Clerk for a period of training up to three months. Mrs Clarke would also attend the necessary EALC training courses, along with the CiLCA qualification in due course.
- Budget and Precept 2025 – The RFO and Cllr Bennett will be preparing the draft budgets over the next 2-3 weeks. Committees can contact the RFO if they have any projects that may require budgeting for.
0143 Reports of the Planning meeting held on 9th December 2024 were approved as circulated prior to the meeting.
24/01107/HHA – Martinique, Hay Green Lane, Hook End. CM15 0NX – Objections raised (in accordance with the Planning committee report dated 9th December).
The minutes of the meeting held on 9th December 2024 were circulated prior to the meeting. The Minutes were approved and the following items were discussed:
The bi-monthly play area inspection was carried out by Broadmead Leisure in December.
0144 Walter Hobbs –
Lease – The PC had sent written confirmation to the Parochial Trust exercising the option to extend their lease agreement for a further 7 years. The existing lease agreement expired in September 2024. The new lease will expire in September 2031.
0145 Ted Marriage–
a) Brambles and overgrowth – MDL had supplied a quotation of £250.00 to trim the overgrowth from the perimeter play area fencing. The Clerk had received confirmation that they would honour this quote before stepping down.
b) Safety surfacing (2 areas) – Broadmead Leisure had quoted to carry out the installation of grass safety mats below the junior swings (£960.00) and the climbing frame (£850.00). Approval of this expenditure was proposed by Cllr Parkinson and unanimously agreed. Action: The Clerk will instruct Broadmead Leisure to carry out this work.
0146 Mill Lane –
a) Brambles and overgrowth – As per item 0125 a).
0147 Millennium Park –
Overflow car park – This work will be carried out in January 2025. Monitoring.
0148 Blackmore Village Hall –
Football Club lease request – There was a meeting with the Trustees of the Parochial Trust on 28th November, at which it considered the application made by the Blackmore Football Club for a long term lease agreement with the Village Hall/Parish Council. Action: After discussion, it was agreed that The Clerk and Cllr Bennett would meet to examine the deeds and documents held in the office archives for the Walter Hobbs Playing field and the Blackmore Village Hall complex. There are covenants placed on the land which is held in trust and this must be observed before a decision can be given. The Clerk and Cllr Bennett would then draft a letter in response which will be presented at the January PC meeting for consideration/approval.
0149 a) Loose posts, The Green – The Clerk had supplied quotations for both permanent and lockable removable bollards. The PC favoured the removable lockable bollard supplied by Mallatite Ltd. Each post would cost £175.50 plus installation by Total Landscapes at approximately £70.00 each. It was felt that 6 bollards were required. It was proposed by Cllr Parkinson and unanimously agreed that this expenditure be approved. Action: Clerk to place the order with Mallatite Ltd.
b) Boot scrapers (Chelmsford road verge) – The Clerk, Cllr Keeble and Total Landscapes had met at the location these were to be installed. The location posed no health and safety issues as they would be placed on the small grass area to the side of the footpath (close to the pond side). This is pending installation by Total Landscapes.
c) Garden Centre Vouchers (for Plant watering volunteers) – It was proposed by Cllr Cannon and unanimously agreed that the PC would gift a £20 garden centre voucher to each of the 6 volunteers who kept the parish planters watered. Action: Clerk to purchase 6 x £20 garden centre vouchers.
0150 a) Office phone system – There had been an issue logging onto the Unity Banking facility due to the new VOIP office recorded message. This is being resolved with Interact. Cllr Hinton would also look at costs for a PC mobile phone which may help with this issue.
b) Remote meetings – The Clerk had circulated the NALC newsletter which stated that NALC supports the consultation for the Government to agree remote meetings. This would give flexibility to Parish and Town Councils and will empower them to respond quicker and more effectively to their communities needs through in-person, remote or hybrid formats. The Clerk will provide updates as they arise.
c) Strengthening the standards and conduct framework – The Clerk had circulated the SLCC’s newsletter outlining the Government consultation ‘Strengthening the Standards and Conduct Framework for Local Authorities in England’. The Government is seeking views on proposals to introduce measures to strengthen the standards and conduct regime for local authorities in England. The Clerk had circulated the link for accessing the consultation.
d) The Devolution white paper – The Clerk had circulated the NALC newsletter which covered the English Devolution white paper as part of the Government’s Devolution programme. The Clerk had circulated the consultation link to all members.
0151 Date of next meeting(s):
POS – Monday 6.1.25 – 10.00am – Tipps Cross R Hall Committee room.
PC – Thursday 16.1.25 – 7.30pm – Tipps Cross R Hall Committee Room.
Planning – Monday 6.1.25 – following the POS meeting – subject to planning applications being received.
a) Cllr Swettenham again raised the issues regarding the inconsiderate and dangerous parking on the double yellow lines outside Blackmore Primary School. This is particularly prevalent during school pick up/drop off times. Action: It was agreed that Cllr Keeble would again approach the school in regards to putting another leaflet in the children’s bags to take home to parents. The Clerk would also contact the Rural Police Officer and Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP) about this. She would also add this to her agenda for her meetings with Cllr Wagland in January. Cllr McCarthy will also supply details of the Police Commander at Harlow to write to.
b) It was mentioned that the Red Rose Lane road condition is in an appalling state due to the heavy delivery vehicles accessing the Andersons development site. The verges are also chewed up by heavy vehicle tyres. Tim Chilvers, Andersons, had stated that they would reinstate all road conditions and verges before leaving the site at the time the build is completed. However, Cllr’s were concerned that the road condition as it stands now could be potentially hazardous during periods of frost/snow. The Cllr’s also felt that the cleaning team is not doing a sufficient or suitable job. Action: The Clerk will contact Tim Chilvers to discuss this.
c) Cllr Wood mentioned his concerns over the dangerous parking on the corner of the road outside the co-op. This could also be discussed with SERP.
CLOSE OF MEETING:There being no further business the meeting was closed by the Chairman at 9.25pm
of the Ordinary Meeting of the Blackmore, Hook End &
Wyatts Green Parish Council held on
THURSDAY 19th DECEMBER 2024 at 7.30pm
at Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Cllrs R Keeble (Chairman), J Swettenham, N McCarthy, K Wood, K Bennett, H Cannon, K Parkinson, T Hinton. S Clapham (Clerk) and R Nelson (RFO).
0133 Apologies for absence – Cllr V Dean, T Lockhart, H Eltham, J Clarke, T Thomas. Borough Cllr’s C Poppy and R McCheyne and County Cllr L Wagland.
0134 Approval of minutes – 21.11.2024
The minutes were signed by the Chairman as a correct record with no amendments.
0135 Declaration of interest (for items on the agenda) – none
0136 Open Forum – none
0137 Progress Check/Report – none
0138 Correspondence/Communications –
The Clerk had been in contact with the internet provider Gigaclear in relation to the free wi-fi being currently unavailable at the Tipps Cross Remembrance hall. They advised that their Engineers were in the process of repairing the services in the area due to a vehicle crashing into the fibre cabinet at Hook End Lane.
0139 Reports of Borough & Essex County Councillors –
Cllr Wagland had called the Clerk to submit her report as follows:
Cllr Wagland confirmed that the missing cat’s eyes from the Blackmore road re-surfacing programme, as reported at November’s PC meeting, had actually been missed by the Engineers and these are now scheduled to be installed as soon as possible. Cllr Wagland will update us.
0140 Finance – Payments made online:
S Clapham –
Essex Pension –
R Nelson –
Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall – £300.00 v- Third quarter’s Office rent.
Castle Water – £8.57 inc.VAT
Unity Bank charge – £8.85
Mr A Elmes – £564.40 – Annual preparation of Christmas lights and hire of cherry picker
Castle Water – £9.15 (inc.VAT) – Walter Hobbs field
Broadmead Leisure – £84.00 – Play area inspections
Blackmore Village Hall replacement speakers – £800.00.
Payments made on the PC Credit Card: Amazon £41.62- printer cartridge. Amazon £61.58 – 2 x boot scrapers. £45.45 meeting Xmas refreshments.
Cash drawn: – nil
Transfers: – nil
Memberships:– £240.00 paid (paid with PC credit card) – SLCC membership renewal due 1.1.25
Income/receipts/Reimbursements: As reported.
0141 Financial Report to 30th November 2024
The summary financial report was approved in accordance with the reports circulated prior to the meeting. This was approved without amendment.
0142 Financial Powers
- The Clerk’s retirement and replacement – Cllr Keeble gave an update on the recent interviews held. The advert had been placed with the EALC and five applications had been received. There were no CiLCA qualified Clerk applications received. The interviews were held with the Staffing Committee which consisted of Cllr’s R Keeble (Chairman), J Swettenham (Vice Chairman) and N McCarthy (previous Chairman). After the interview process had been completed the Committee agreed that Mrs Lauren Clarke was the most suitable applicant and a copy of her CV had been circulated to all members. Action: Without any objections, it was proposed by Cllr Keeble and unanimously agreed that Mrs Lauren Clarke be confirmed for the position. The Clerk and Staffing Committee would draft an Employment Contract which is to be based on the NALC model contract, as recommended by the EALC. It was also proposed that Mrs Clarke shadow the existing Clerk for a period of training up to three months. Mrs Clarke would also attend the necessary EALC training courses, along with the CiLCA qualification in due course.
- Budget and Precept 2025 – The RFO and Cllr Bennett will be preparing the draft budgets over the next 2-3 weeks. Committees can contact the RFO if they have any projects that may require budgeting for.
0143 Reports of the Planning meeting held on 9th December 2024 were approved as circulated prior to the meeting.
24/01107/HHA – Martinique, Hay Green Lane, Hook End. CM15 0NX – Objections raised (in accordance with the Planning committee report dated 9th December).
The minutes of the meeting held on 9th December 2024 were circulated prior to the meeting. The Minutes were approved and the following items were discussed:
The bi-monthly play area inspection was carried out by Broadmead Leisure in December.
0144 Walter Hobbs –
Lease – The PC had sent written confirmation to the Parochial Trust exercising the option to extend their lease agreement for a further 7 years. The existing lease agreement expired in September 2024. The new lease will expire in September 2031.
0145 Ted Marriage–
a) Brambles and overgrowth – MDL had supplied a quotation of £250.00 to trim the overgrowth from the perimeter play area fencing. The Clerk had received confirmation that they would honour this quote before stepping down.
b) Safety surfacing (2 areas) – Broadmead Leisure had quoted to carry out the installation of grass safety mats below the junior swings (£960.00) and the climbing frame (£850.00). Approval of this expenditure was proposed by Cllr Parkinson and unanimously agreed. Action: The Clerk will instruct Broadmead Leisure to carry out this work.
0146 Mill Lane –
a) Brambles and overgrowth – As per item 0125 a).
0147 Millennium Park –
Overflow car park – This work will be carried out in January 2025. Monitoring.
0148 Blackmore Village Hall –
Football Club lease request – There was a meeting with the Trustees of the Parochial Trust on 28th November, at which it considered the application made by the Blackmore Football Club for a long term lease agreement with the Village Hall/Parish Council. Action: After discussion, it was agreed that The Clerk and Cllr Bennett would meet to examine the deeds and documents held in the office archives for the Walter Hobbs Playing field and the Blackmore Village Hall complex. There are covenants placed on the land which is held in trust and this must be observed before a decision can be given. The Clerk and Cllr Bennett would then draft a letter in response which will be presented at the January PC meeting for consideration/approval.
0149 a) Loose posts, The Green – The Clerk had supplied quotations for both permanent and lockable removable bollards. The PC favoured the removable lockable bollard supplied by Mallatite Ltd. Each post would cost £175.50 plus installation by Total Landscapes at approximately £70.00 each. It was felt that 6 bollards were required. It was proposed by Cllr Parkinson and unanimously agreed that this expenditure be approved. Action: Clerk to place the order with Mallatite Ltd.
b) Boot scrapers (Chelmsford road verge) – The Clerk, Cllr Keeble and Total Landscapes had met at the location these were to be installed. The location posed no health and safety issues as they would be placed on the small grass area to the side of the footpath (close to the pond side). This is pending installation by Total Landscapes.
c) Garden Centre Vouchers (for Plant watering volunteers) – It was proposed by Cllr Cannon and unanimously agreed that the PC would gift a £20 garden centre voucher to each of the 6 volunteers who kept the parish planters watered. Action: Clerk to purchase 6 x £20 garden centre vouchers.
0150 a) Office phone system – There had been an issue logging onto the Unity Banking facility due to the new VOIP office recorded message. This is being resolved with Interact. Cllr Hinton would also look at costs for a PC mobile phone which may help with this issue.
b) Remote meetings – The Clerk had circulated the NALC newsletter which stated that NALC supports the consultation for the Government to agree remote meetings. This would give flexibility to Parish and Town Councils and will empower them to respond quicker and more effectively to their communities needs through in-person, remote or hybrid formats. The Clerk will provide updates as they arise.
c) Strengthening the standards and conduct framework – The Clerk had circulated the SLCC’s newsletter outlining the Government consultation ‘Strengthening the Standards and Conduct Framework for Local Authorities in England’. The Government is seeking views on proposals to introduce measures to strengthen the standards and conduct regime for local authorities in England. The Clerk had circulated the link for accessing the consultation.
d) The Devolution white paper – The Clerk had circulated the NALC newsletter which covered the English Devolution white paper as part of the Government’s Devolution programme. The Clerk had circulated the consultation link to all members.
0151 Date of next meeting(s):
POS – Monday 6.1.25 – 10.00am – Tipps Cross R Hall Committee room.
PC – Thursday 16.1.25 – 7.30pm – Tipps Cross R Hall Committee Room.
Planning – Monday 6.1.25 – following the POS meeting – subject to planning applications being received.
a) Cllr Swettenham again raised the issues regarding the inconsiderate and dangerous parking on the double yellow lines outside Blackmore Primary School. This is particularly prevalent during school pick up/drop off times. Action: It was agreed that Cllr Keeble would again approach the school in regards to putting another leaflet in the children’s bags to take home to parents. The Clerk would also contact the Rural Police Officer and Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP) about this. She would also add this to her agenda for her meetings with Cllr Wagland in January. Cllr McCarthy will also supply details of the Police Commander at Harlow to write to.
b) It was mentioned that the Red Rose Lane road condition is in an appalling state due to the heavy delivery vehicles accessing the Andersons development site. The verges are also chewed up by heavy vehicle tyres. Tim Chilvers, Andersons, had stated that they would reinstate all road conditions and verges before leaving the site at the time the build is completed. However, Cllr’s were concerned that the road condition as it stands now could be potentially hazardous during periods of frost/snow. The Cllr’s also felt that the cleaning team is not doing a sufficient or suitable job. Action: The Clerk will contact Tim Chilvers to discuss this.
c) Cllr Wood mentioned his concerns over the dangerous parking on the corner of the road outside the co-op. This could also be discussed with SERP.
CLOSE OF MEETING:There being no further business the meeting was closed by the Chairman at 9.25pm