
Full Council Minutes July 2024

DocumentsMinutes of Meetings & Agendas Uploaded on September 20, 2024

PC Minutes.JULY 2024




Of the Annual Meeting of the Blackmore, Hook End & 

Wyatts Green Parish Council held on

THURSDAY 18th JULY 2024 at 7.30pm 

At Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Cllrs R Keeble, K Parkinson, H Cannon, J Swettenham, T Lockhart, H Eltham, N McCarthy, V Dean, K Wood, K Bennett. S Clapham (Clerk), Mrs R Nelson (RFO).  Borough Cllr R McCheyne and County Cllr L Wagland.

0046 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCECllrs R Keeble (Chairman), T Thomas, T Hinton, J Clarke. Borough Cllr C Poppy.


0047 APPROVAL OF MINUTES – 17th June 2024 

The minutes were signed by the Chairman as a correct record with no amendments.  

0048 DECLARATION OF INTEREST (for items on the agenda) – Cllr Cannon and Cllr Keeble declared an interest under item 0062 – Blackmore Village Hall- as they are representatives of the Village Hall Committee. However, it was agreed that the item of business to be considered did not present any conflict of interest. 


0050 Progress Check/ReporT  None  

0051 Correspondence/Communications 

a) Deal Tree Doctors Surgery – The Clerk read out a letter received from Kelvedon Hatch PC in relation to the Doctors Surgery car parking. They proposed writing on behalf of the local collective Parish Councils of Doddinghurst, Navestock, Stondon Massey and Blackmore, Hook End and Wyatts Green suggesting that the car park is extended to accommodate the growing population due to the new developments in the area. Currently the car park is full, especially on Tuesdays and Wednesdays when they offer a lot of extra services. The car park has 33 spaces (3 disabled) and on those days they can have up to 20 staff members which only leaves 13 spaces for patients. Parking on Blackmore road and Outings Lane was considered dangerous and cars should be off the roads, not blocking them. The PC agreed the use of its logo on the letter in support of this. Action: Clerk to liaise with the Kelvedon Hatch Clerk confirming this. It was suggested that the MP be copied in.


0052 Reports of Borough & Essex County Councillors

(a) BBC – Cllr McCheyne suggested that the Green Lane footpath tidying and trimming is added to the next Neighbourhood Action Teams (NATs) visit. Action: Clerk to add this to the next NATs schedule (subsequently confirmed as week commencing 23rd September).  The Clerk enquired when BBC decided to reduce the cutting of the pedestrianised and roadside verges to such an infrequent basis. Cllr McCheyne advised that this was decided some time ago purely as a cost saving exercise. This was not felt to be satisfactory as the grass was often left until it was almost knee-high. This was also dangerous at sight lines which were becoming very overgrown. The Clerk would report any overgrown sight lines if Members could advise locations so these could be prioritised.

(b) ECC – Cllr Wagland advised that she is currently looking into the drainage and flooding aspect within the LDP. She stated that the developer will only seriously look into this if their proposed development heightens the flooding risk. 

Cllr Wagland said that she has submitted work under the Local Highways Panel to improve the road lining and signage at Swallows Cross.  She has also received a list of exceptions in relation to illegal mirrors, which she will look into in regards to the Swallows Cross illegal mirror. 

Cllr Wagland has also been dealing with the overhanging trees in Church Street as reported by Cllr Wood and the Clerk. ECC has written to the landowner twice and has received no response. They have given a period of 28 days for the clearance to be actioned by the owner, after which time ECC may decide to take enforcement action. Action: The Clerk suggested she give the landowner a call to discuss this with him.

Regarding pot holes – Cllr Wagland said that Service Lane from Nine Ashes Road pot hole (W3W “reduce.stiff.oval) will be added to the next pot hole allocation list. Cllr Cannon confirmed that the pot holes outside Blackmore Primary School had now been filled.

Regarding the parish vehicle activated signs (VAS) that are not working – Cllr Wagland is looking into this with ECC.

Regarding the reported dilapidated Dines Corner bus shelter – Cllr Wagland had been in contact with the Clerk and the PC in regards to a modern replacement. This would mean the installation of a modern metal shelter displaying electronic bus updates and an element of advertising. The PC Members did consider this and felt that this type of bus shelter was not in keeping with the area, plus it is not a very well used bus stop. It was proposed that ECC simply remove the dilapidated bus shelter and replace with a bus sign post.

It was reported to ECC that the red brick cottage down Blacksmiths Alley had experienced a bad water leak outside the property. Affinity Water and ECC had been looking into this and ownership was yet to be established. Cllr Wagland said that she will pick this issue up and report back to the PC.

Inadequate road signage at the sharp bend of Mountnessing Lane near to Hay Green Lane (which has been subject to several RTA’s resulting in the destruction of the Oak Parish fingerposts)- The PC suggested that suitable road signage and road markings are installed alerting drivers to the sharp bend in the road. Cllr Wagland will look into this.

ECC Locality fund – Cllr Wagland advised that there was approximately £500 available for local projects within her funding allowance. Action: The Clerk will contact Cllr Wagland with a suitable project before the closing date for applications. Cllr Keeble proposed the required works at the Blackmore pond, including landscaping and the purchase of new lifebuoys. The Clerk will put forward the details to Cllr Wagland.

General items – Cllr Keeble mentioned the overgrown hedging between the Blackmore roundabout and Jericho Place, plus the overgrown path on Nine Ashes Road, on the left hand side by the Village hall. Cllr Wagland reiterated that all Highways issues should first be reported on the ECC ‘Report it’ Online tool. If it was deemed as urgent and in need of escalating, she would be able to do this with the relevant ECC reference number given. She could not escalate non-reported items.


0053 Finance – Payments made online:

S Clapham – 

Pension –


Mrs R Nelson –

Castle Water – £6.91 (+VAT) – War Memorial water supply

Castle Water – £101.32 (+VAT) – Allotment

Castle Watter – £24.08 (+VAT) – Walter Hobbs

Digital Graphics – £71.64 (+VAT) – 2 x signs for Mill Lane in relation to tyre swings

MDL – £912.92 (+VAT) – Parish grass cutting

BroadMead Leisure – £60.00 (+VAT) – removal of tyre swings at Mill Lane

Bits & Bytes, Essex – £175 – Internet and IT works

EALC – £260.00 (+VAT) – Cllr Training

Broadmead Leisure – £70.00 (+VAT) – June play area inspection fee

BBC – £1428.96 (including VAT) – Dog & litter bin collections 

Blackmore Parochial Charities Trust – £625.00 – Quarterly fee

Direct Debit payment – CF Corporate – £696.00- Office photocopier lease (up to July 2025)

Payments on Account – A-Z Supplies – £130.86 (inc.VAT) – Office stationery

Payments made on the PC Credit Card: Printer cartridge (via Amazon) £22.98 (inc.VAT)

W Hart Cars – £653.95 (+VAT) – Bus MOT and annual service plus side light bulb and new exhaust.

DVLA – £167.50 – Community Mini Bus road Tax renewal.

Cash drawn: Nil

Transfers: – £20,000 – to Unity Bank – to meet online payments.


Income/receipts/Reimbursements: £6,832.00 from Blackmore Youth Football Club – contribution towards the cost of sand and seed for Walter Hobbs Playing field.

Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall – £2,100.00 – Admin fee

Bank Interest – £568.46

0054 Financial Report to 30th June 2024

The reports were received and approved as circulated.

0055 Financial Powers  No items to report


0056 a) The following applications had been considered at the meeting on 15th July 2024:-

24/00623/HHA – Standing Stone, Beehive Chase, Hook End, CM15 0PA – no objections

24/00639/HHA – 68 Wyatts Green Lane, Wyatts Green, CM15 0PY – no objections

(b)The Clerk had circulated to all Members the latest Blackmore Village Heritage Association (BVHA) newsletter in regards to the LDP.


The minutes of the meeting held in person on 15th July 2024 at 10.00am were circulated prior to today’s meeting.   The Minutes were accepted and the following items were discussed/approved: 

0057 Walter Hobbs- 

All in accordance with the Committee minutes circulated. No referrals.

0058 Ted Marriage-

Damaged play area chain link fence – Actioned by the POS Committee – To repair approximately a 2metre length of damaged chain link fence. Broadmead Leisure had quoted £120.00 – considered medium risk – The POS Committee had approved and the Clerk had actioned this work in accordance with the Standing Orders.

0059 Shrubbery and bramble trimming – Cllr Lockhart had met with MD Landscapes to receive a quote of £250.00 to trim back the brambles encroaching the play area fencing. MDL suggested tying this in with other local parish works to be undertaken in October. The Clerk subsequently reported that the £250 quoted only covered the works at Ted Marriage play area. All other areas discussed, such as at Library Green, Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall and Mill Lane would be additionally priced. It was agreed to leave the bramble trimming until the Autumn as there were no brambles encroaching the use of the play items. This will be monitored by Cllr Lockhart.

0060 Mill Lane-   

All in accordance with the Committee minutes circulated. No referrals.

0061 Millennium Park  

Cllr Keeble shared the Anderson’s plans for the proposed overflow car park works which the developers, Andersons would be undertaking. Cllr Keeble would be liaising with them to establish the size of the apron at the entrance.

0062 Blackmore Village Hall In accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960’ members of the public were excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.     

Defibrillator Use – The Members of the Council discussed a complaint received from a local resident in relation to the use of the Blackmore defibrillator, and a letter received by the resident from the Parish Council. This matter had initiated the Parish Council’s Complaints Procedure. There would be a meeting with the complainant and their representative to be heard by the Complaints Committee and a date was to be agreed by both parties. This was also being monitored by the BBC Monitoring Officer at the behest of the Complainant. 

The meeting was re-opened by the Chairman and resumed with the following items of business:


0063 Red Rose Lane/Orchard Piece development (R26) – The meeting had taken place with Crest Nicholson, the BVHA and PC Members and the Clerk on 2.7.24. This was attended by Cllr Keeble, Cllr Swettenham and the Clerk and a brief summary was given. Crest Nicholson were still no nearer to submitting a Planning Application to BBC as the modifications required had still not been undertaken.

0064 Fingerpost – Blackmore roundabout – Cllr Lockhart had obtained a quotation from a Romford company, HBS, for a new Fingerpost on the Blackmore mini-roundabout (and for an additional finger missing at Mill Lane).   This was agreed at the previous PC meeting and the works order had since been placed. Installation pending.

0065 Wyatts Green Telephone kiosk re-painting – Cllr McCarthy enquired whether the kiosk re-painting was still to be completed as the current colour was not the usual vibrant red it should be. Action: Cllr Lockhart said that as he was speaking with the Contractor, he would make enquiries. It was felt it required another coat of paint.

0066 Dines Corner bus shelter – As discussed under item 0052) it was agreed with the PC and ECC that this dilapidated bus shelter should be removed as soon as possible.

0067 Defective VAS signs – Cllr Wagland is investigating.



  1. Standing Orders – The Clerk had circulated the up-to-date Standing Orders (in full) to all Members. Cllr McCarthy confirmed that he had updated the PC website with this version.
  2. Internet connection to Tipps Cross – Cllr McCarthy reported that Gigaclear, who have until now provided the free internet service to Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall, wished to change the current arrangement. Subsequently, Gigaclear had confirmed they would honour the free Community Hub Status for a further year at Tipps Cross which would give a further year’s free internet to the Hall and its users/hirers. He had also been approached by the Association of South Essex Local Authorities who are keen to roll out fast internet to village halls and they are prepared to provide such a service, free of charge for the next three years.   This would require a small aerial to be installed on the roof of the hall, similar to that at Blackmore Village Hall.   Cllr McCarthy and the Clerk would be meeting with their Engineer to discuss this offer in more detail and would report back its findings. 

0069 Date of next meeting(s):

POS – Monday 16th September 2024– 10.00am – Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall 

PC – Thursday 19th September 2024  7.30pm – Tipps Cross R Hall Committee Room.  

Planning Tuesday 27th August 2024 – 2.00pm – Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall. 

Plus a further meeting would follow the POS meeting on 16th September 2024 (subject to applications being received).

P&R Thursday 15th August 2024 – 10.00am – Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall.



0070 No.61 Bus service – Cllr McCarthy enquired with Cllr Wagland whether there would be any changes to the 61 bus service. Cllr Wagland said that the contractor NIBBS would be taking the service over after winning the tender. She is not aware of any changes or reductions to the service. Cllr Wagland said that she is dealing with ECC Passenger Transport representatives and they have not advised there would be any alterations to the service. She is waiting for a start date when NIBBS will be taking over the service and will let us have more details then. Subsequently, Cllr Wagland confirmed that there would be no reductions to the 61 bus service. In fact the Wyatts Green/Plovers Mead loop would be reinstated by NIBBS as well as Brentwood train station being serviced within the timetable.

0071 Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall Trustees – Cllr McCarthy reported that the Trustees Committee required another Member and asked if any Cllr’s were prepared to join. It was agreed that Cllr Lockhart would join. He will attend the next Trustees meeting.

0072 Parish ‘Herald’ Magazine – Cllr Lockhart raised the subject of a possible reinstatement of the Parish Magazine. He was in contact with the Doddinghurst Link magazine Editor and it might be possible he could assist with the Parish edition(s). Acton: It was agreed that Cllr Lockhart would organise a meting with the Doddinghurst Editor to discuss this in more detail. The Clerk and Cllr Parkinson were also asked to attend. 



There being no further business, the meeting was closed by the Chairman at 9.30pm.