To download these minutes click the following link: PC Minutes October 2024 *
of the Ordinary Meeting of the Blackmore, Hook End &
Wyatts Green Parish Council held on
THURSDAY 17th OCTOBER 2024 at 7.30pm
at Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Cllrs R Keeble (Chairman), J Swettenham, T Lockhart, H Eltham, N McCarthy, V Dean, K Wood, K Bennett, Mrs R Nelson (RFO), Borough Cllr R McCheyne and County Cllr L Wagland
0093 Apologies for absence – Cllrs K Parkinson, T Hinton, J Clarke, H Cannon, T Thomas, Mrs S Clapham
0094 Approval of minutes – 19/09/2024
The minutes were signed by the Chairman as a correct record with no amendments.
0095 Declaration of interest (for items on the agenda) – Blackmore Village Hall – Cllr Keeble
0096 Open Forum – no residents were present.
0097 Progress Check/Report – none
0098 Correspondence/Communications
a) Mrs Nelson reported on an email received from the Essex Playing Fields Association regarding their AGM and Awards evening on Thursday 24th October. Cllr Keeble confirmed that he would be attending with Cllr Parkinson. Mrs Nelson will forward the relevant paperwork to them.
0099 Reports of Borough & Essex County Councillors – Cllr Wagland, Cllr McCheyne
Cllr McShayne reported on the BBC planning meeting held on 7th October when the planning application for the R26 development was approved by 7 votes to 6. The meeting expressed its disappointment at this decision and Cllr Swettenham raised the issue of lack of infrastructure, especially at the Doctor’s surgery. She felt that insufficient weight was given to services to cater for new developments Cllr Keeble believed that there might be some Section 106 money available for the NHS/local surgery but this has not yet been confirmed. It was noted that the developer, Crest, appears to be unwilling to listen to any concerns or discuss any issues relating to R26.
Cllr Keeble reported that St Lawrence Church does offer a service to collect prescriptions and/or take patients to the surgery.
Cllr Keeble expressed his concern that S106 and/or CIL monies payable by the R26 developers appears to have already been allocated to the Football Club – £100K for football pitches and £50K for changing rooms. Cllr Wood reported that a local resident had already complained on hearing about this potential use of S106 monies. It was believed that the Football Club intended to use the £100K to purchase land for a 3G football pitch adjacent to the Village Hall complex. This proposal had been reviewed by the Council in 2023 and rejected on the grounds of its associated anti-social, parking and noise implications. In this regard, Cllr Bennett reminded the meeting about the various covenants attached to the Walter Hobbs recreation area.
Cllr Wagland explained that CIL rules are very complicated and she recommended that the Parish Council writes to the planners to avoid the football facility becoming only available for a small number of clubs. Cllr Swettenham suggested that Cllr Keeble should use the fact that the Village Hall controls and owns the changing rooms and main football fields as leverage against mis-allocation of the available funds. Cllr Wagland outlined a previous occasion when Crest, on being threatened with the rejection of their planning application, did come to the negotiating table and a solution was reached. Action: Clerk
Cllr Wagland reported that the road from the village mini-roundabout to near the junction with St Lawrence Garden is due to be completely resurfaced and for this reason, the existing potholes are unlikely to be filled until that time. It was noted that the degradation of the road is exacerbated by very large lorries coming through the village.
A copy of Cllr Wagland’s email regarding the poor service provided by the 61 bus had been circulated to members on 1st October. Cllr Wagland explained that when the contract for the 61 bus had been renewed in June, no interested parties were notified at the time and there seemed to have been some confusion in the bidding process. The result was. that the new company did not include the section of route from Brentwood High Street down to the station nor the Wyatts Green loop. The bus company, NIBS, has agreed to reinstate these routes. Cllr Wagland is arranging a meeting with Mrs Clapham and the Parish Clerk of Doddinghurst and she is continuing to monitor the 61 bus service closely. She confirmed that there are financial penalties in the contracts but there is always the danger, if penalties are imposed, of the bus provider just “walking away”.. Cllr Wood reported that during a Speed watch today, the 61 bus was seen to drive along Wyatts Green Road.
Cllr Wagland confirmed that she is in the process of distributing Locality fund grants. Around £700 is available for each Parish Council. The Clerk has already applied and the money will be used for pond work.
0100 Finance – Payments made online:
S Clapham –
Pension –
Mrs R Nelson –
NBB Recycled Furniture – £594.80 (+VAT)- New Ted Marriage picnic
Reimbursement to Cllr Wood for USB sticks for the Airmen’s commemoration weekend – £27.99
Total Landscapes – removal of damaged picnic bench at Ted Marriage – £96 inc. VAT
M D Landscapes – September grass cutting – £418.96 + VAT
NBB Recycled Furniture – new picnic table for Ted Marriage – £594.80 + VAT
Transfer of Allotment deposit and half year’s rent to former tenant – £75
Transfer of Allotment deposits to the Allotment Association – £200
Payment to Royal British Legion for wreaths for the Airmen’s Commemoration service – £207.50
Reimbursement Cllr Keeble for expenses associated with Airmen’s Commemoration service – £6
Total Landscapes – installation of new picnic bench at Ted Marriage – £150 + VAT
Castle Water – supply to War Memorial – £8.14 + VAT
Castle Water – supply to Walter Hobbs recreation field – £6.91 + VAT
Payments made on the PC Credit Card:
Cash drawn: –
Transfers: –
0101 Financial Report to 30th September 2024
The summary financial report was approved in accordance with the reports circulated prior to the meeting.
0102 Financial Powers– nothing to report
0103 Reports of the Planning meeting held on 7th October 2024 were approved as circulated prior to the meeting.
In addition to the planning reports circulated, Cllr Lockhart reported on his attendance at the BBC planning meeting on 8th October, to discuss the R26 development. He complimented Cllr Keeble on an eloquent objection to the application but considered that the Crest Nicholson presentation was very poor. It was noted that the next BBC planning meeting is scheduled for 22nd October when the Alexander Lane development application for 30 hours will be discussed. Cllr Lockhart confirmed that the resident at Bluebells, Second Avenue has now submitted an appeal against BBC’s refusal of his planning application.
Cllr Lockhart enquired whether appeal submissions are available to see at the time they are lodged; Cllr Wagland confirmed that these should be shown on the Council’s website.
The minutes of the meeting held on 7th October 2024 were circulated prior to the meeting. The Minutes were approved and the following items were discussed:-
0104 Walter Hobbs –
a) It was noted that repair work was needed to the roundabout at the play area at Blackmore. Cllr Wood proposed, Cllr Eltham seconded and the amount of £200 was approved for this work. . Action: Clerk
0105 Ted Marriage– in accordance with the minutes.
0106 Mill Lane – in accordance with the minutes.
0107 Millennium Park –
Overflow car park – Cllr Keeble confirmed that Anderson has provided plans for the work to extend the overflow car park at Blackmore Village Hall complex. The existing bund will be moved to extend the useful parking area, with membrane and a suitable hard surface laid.
0108 Blackmore Village Hall –
Cllr Keeble closed the meeting and all non-Parish Council members left at 8.28 p.m. Cllr Keeble read the following wording to the meeting.
In accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960* members of the public are excluded from the meeting during the discussion of the following item of business due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
Defibrillator – Complaints Procedure
The RFO distributed copies of an email from the Complainant and the representative, and a draft letter in reply. Members discussed the wording and agreed a final version which will be sent to the Complainant together with the Minutes of the 1st August Complaints Meeting. Cllr Bennett read to the meeting Item 7.45 from the Arnold-Baker Clerk’s reference book, which details the procedure which residents can follow when making a complaint.
0109 a) Loose posts, The Green – The Clerk is obtaining options and quotes.
b) Blackmore roundabout – RK to source Victorian water pump. Action: RK/KW
c) Ponds – As referenced under 0099 above, Cllr Wagland has awarded £700 from the ECC Locality Fund towards the pond works and two new life rings. The Clerk has submitted completed forms with ECC. Cllr Keeble obtaining quotes for pruning/tidying works with John Sharpe and the Clerk is purchasing two new life rings. This money has to be spent before the new financial year, 1st April 2025. Provision will also be made for lighting cables.
d) During a recent discussion with Andersons, their representative, Tim Chilvers, had suggested the idea of the Parish Council taking over the grass cutting of the village green within the new development. This would not be in line with other small areas of grass in the Parish which are maintained by residents. Accordingly, it was agreed that the Parish could not agree to this proposal. Cllr McCarthy recalled that this was mentioned in an earlier meeting when Andersons had confirmed that grass cutting would come under the service charges.
e) Cllr Keeble reported that M D Landscapes may not wish to continue with the large area grass cutting. The situation will continue to be monitored.
0110 Nothing to report.
0111 Date of next meeting(s):
POS – Monday 11.11.2024– PLEASE NOTE, time now 2.00 p.m. – Tipps Cross R Hall Committee room.
PC – Thursday 21.11.2024 – 7.30pm – Tipps Cross R Hall Committee Room –
Planning – Monday 11.11.24 – following the POS meeting – subject to planning applications being received.
a) Cllr Swettenham reported that a large lorry from the R25 site had turned left from Red Rose Lane and driven through the centre of the village, in contravention of the agreement with Andersons, the developers. Cllr Keeble will complain to Andersons.
b) Cllr Wood had, on behalf of the Council, given a small gift to Mr Giordan who had been very involved in the Commemoration Service for the American Airman. Mr Giordan’s letter of thanks was read to the meeting.
c) A date for an Autumn Litter Pick to be decided at the November meeting. Clerk to include as an agenda item.
d) Cllr Wood enquired whether the Council should consider preparing a Neighbourhood Plan. This will be further discussed with the option of the Clerk writing to Ingatestone Parish Council to ascertain their experience of preparing their plan and/or inviting an Ingatestone Councillor to come and brief a future Parish Council meeting.
CLOSE OF MEETING – The meeting was closed by the Chairman at 9.05 p.m.