Download a PDF of the minutes shown below by clicking this PC Minutes MAY ANNUAL MEETING 2024. link.
Of the Ordinary Meeting of the Blackmore, Hook End &
Wyatts Green Parish Council held on
THURSDAY 18th APRIL 2024 at 7.30pm
At Tipps Cross Remembrance Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT – Cllr’s R Keeble (Chairman), K Bennett, N McCarthy, T Lockhart, T Hinton, J Swettenham, K Parkinson, H Cannon and V Dean. S Clapham (Parish Clerk), R Nelson (RFO). Borough Cllr T Bridge.
0704 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr’s H Eltham, T Thomas, K Wood, J Clarke and County Cllr L Wagland, Borough Cllr R McCheyne.
0705 APPROVAL OF MINUTES – 21st March 2024
The minutes were signed by the Chairman as a correct record with no amendments.
0706 DECLARATION OF INTEREST (for items on the agenda) – None.
0707 OPEN FORUM – None
0708 Progress Check/ReporT– None
0709 Correspondence/Communications–
1.Tim Chilvers of Andersons confirmed his attendance at the May PC meeting to provide updates. The building work was due to commence at the end of May.
0710 Reports of Borough & Essex County Councillors–
Cllr Bridge advised that the Brentwood Borough Council (BBC) Neighbourhood Action Teams (NAT’s) would be visiting the parish week commencing 22nd April. The Parish Council (PC) asked if they could re-paint the white posts around the ponds if the PC supplied the paint and brushes. Cllr Bridge would add this to the list as the only item for the PC allowing enough time to complete the job. Action: Cllr Keeble would purchase the materials to hand over to the NAT’s.
As this would be the last meeting that Cllr Bridge attended as the Ward Councillor, Cllr Keeble thanked him for all his hard work and commitment towards the PC and wished him well in his new post. The Clerk reiterated it had been a pleasure working with him over the past term.
0711 Finance – Payments made online:
S Clapham –
Pension –
Mrs R Nelson –
Maintenance tools purchased – £905 – Reimbursed by ECC – Locality Funding.
Blackmore Primary School – £750.00 – Swimming pool grant.
Scott Norris – £100.00 – Allotment annual head rent fee.
Scott Norris – £625.00 – Agreed share of rent collected from tenants.
Castle Water – £9.05 (inc. VAT) – water for Blackmore War memorial.
EALC – £148.50 – Charles Arnold Baker- 13th Edition.
N McCarthy – Parishioner of the year framed award reimbursement £25.98
Payments made on the PC Credit Card: £30.00 – flowers.
Cash drawn: –
Transfers: –
Memberships:– EALC 2024/25 affiliation fees – £505.62 & NALC affiliation fees £203.03 – Total £708.65 – ( 17470).
Income/receipts/Reimbursements: Bank interest £574.32.
INSURANCE RENEWAL – Due for payment after approval.
Mini bus – £847.34 – renewal date due 4th May – Gallagher (AJG). – 2023/24 rate £749.46 (+£97.88. The policy includes breakdown recovery within the plan. This was found to be quite reasonable and Cllr Cannon therefore proposed its approval, which was unanimously agreed. Action: The Clerk will put this in place.
Parish Council – £2,062.34 – renewal date due 1st June – Zurich. – 2023/24 rate £1949.81 (+£112.53) – The Clerk had queried whether this included the long-term agreement discount, which Zurich confirmed it did. The five year-long term agreement expires 1st June 2025. Approval was therefore proposed by Cllr Lockhart and unanimously agreed. Action: The Clerk will put this in place.
0712 Financial Report to 31st March 2024
The summary financial report, as circulated prior to the meeting, was accepted without amendment.
0713 Financial Powers:
a) To review the salaries and charges for 2024/25 – The Clerk and the RFO left the meeting in order the Members could consider the salary increase proposals presented by Cllr Bennett. Action: The figures were discussed and approved and Cllr Bennett will provide a copy of all charges and salary increases in writing to the Clerk and RFO.
0714 There had been a Planning Committee meeting on 15th April and the following plan(s) were discussed. The reports were distributed prior to the PC meeting.
24/00238/S192 – Willow Pond, Hook End Lane.CM15 – Objections/concerns raised.
24/00205/HHA – Ashbridge, Nine Ashes Road, Blackmore, CM4 0QW – No objection.
24/00147/HHA – Treardour, Hook End Road, Hook End, CM15 0HA – No objection.
24/00174/S192 – Lulworth, Spring Pond Meadow, Hook End, CM15 – No Objections raised – for information only.
Cllr Lockhart advised that ‘Fantails’ had a BBC public enquiry hearing on 12th April and a response was expected within the next 6-8 weeks.
The minutes of the meeting held on 15th April 2024 at 10.00am were circulated prior to the meeting. The Minutes were accepted and the following items were discussed/approved:
0715 Walter Hobbs-
The Clerk confirmed that as requested, Total Landscapes had changed the latch position on the newly erected picket fencing to the side of the children’s play area entrance on 15th April.
0716 Ted Marriage-
All in accordance with the Committee minutes as circulated and approved. The Clerk advised that Paul Tucker of Broadmead Leisure had commenced the list of outstanding works, including the play area fencing repairs, on 15th April. Pending his report.
0717 Mill Lane-
Fallen tree (ECC footpath) – Removed by ECC and no further action required.
Millennium Park–
0718 All in accordance with the Committee meeting minutes.
Blackmore Village Hall-
0719 Tennis Club fencing–
The fencing and upright posts had all been removed. No further action required.
0720 Fingerposts: ECC had installed/replaced the following fingerposts:
- Watsons Corner, Wyatts Green – (no further action with an insurance claim required).
- Hay Green Lane/Mountnessing junction, Hook End – (no further action with an insurance claim required).
- Village Hall – necessary repairs had been made. No further action required.
- Outstanding fingerpost required – Blackmore village roundabout – Cllr Wagland, ECC is currently working on a replacement fingerpost. The Clerk and Cllr Lockhart are also obtaining quotes as a back-up.
The Clerk confirmed that she had written to Lesley Wagland and her assistant, Ann, thanking them for their help in getting the fingerposts reinstated.
0721 Seating upgrades: The Clerk confirmed that she had ordered the four back-less seats, pending delivery.
0722 The small seat, Blackmore – As reported to ECC which is being dealt with by Cllr Wagland. Pending an update.
0723 Bus stop on Wyatts Green Road – The Clerk confirmed that the bus stop had now been removed form outside the resident’s driveway. No further action required.
a) The King’s Portrait Scheme: The Clerk had received the King’s portrait and had installed it in the Tipps Cross Hall Committee Room.
b) Local Elections on 2nd May 2024: The Clerk confirmed that BBC had advised that all PC nominations were uncontested.
c) Annual Assembly – 16th May at 7.00pm: The Parishioner of the Year Award would be presented to Mr and Mrs Smith at the meeting. The BBC Mayor had accepted the invitation to attend.
0725 Date of next meeting(s):
POS – Monday 13.5.24 – 10.00am – Zoom
Annual Assembly – Thursday 16.5.24 at 7.00pm – Tipps Cross R Hall Committee Room.
PC – Thursday 16.5.24 at 7.30pm – Tipps Cross R Hall Committee Room
Planning – Subject to Planning Applications being received.
0726 Cllr Dean reported that the Spring Pond Meadow VAS sign was not working. Action: Clerk to report this to ECC.
0727 The RFO advised that next year would be ten years since the PC had set up the Allotment Garden in Blackmore. The rents had not been increased during this period and would need reviewing at that point. She proposed an increase (dependant on plot size) from £25 to £30 and £50 to £60. Action: The RFO will inform the Clerk when to add this to the POS and PC agendas for consideration nearer the time. Note: There are currently 28 tenants with plots.
0728 Cllr Keeble advised that the cricket pitch roller was in urgent need of replacement as it had broken down and was beyond economical repair. He will source suitable quotes for a second-hand roller and will provide the information to the Clerk for the POS and PC agendas for consideration.
0729 Cllr Keeble advised that he had witnessed a vehicle dump a large tree part on a verge on Blackmore road. Cllr Keeble had reported it to BBC and as there was address evidence within the dumped items, the person would be liable to a fine.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed by the Chairman at 9.10pm.